Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Saturday Breakfast August 5th

Guest Speaker: Congressman Drew Ferguson

Please join us for mingle and breakfast on August 5th beginning at 8:30AM at the Fayette Event Center

Congressman Drew Ferguson is the U.S. Representative for Georgia's Third District. With a busy agenda at the Capitol, the congressman has planned his first visit to Fayetteville since taking the oath of service. The congressman has been active in preparing the 2018 budget to "Build a Better America!"
"We cannot continue to allow mandatory spending to go unchecked. It is irresponsible to future generations."
Patient-centered, market-based reforms to the healthcare industry are a priority and getting the government out of the healthcare business is a main concern.

Learn more at ferguson.house.gov.

Follow on Twitter at @RepDrewFerguson

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Local GOPs host GA Gubernatorial Candidate Michael Williams

June 22, Fayette and Coweta GOP hosted a public meeting and Q&A with Georgia 2018 gubernatorial candidate Michael Williams. Williams is a first-term GA State Senator representing the 27th District. He decided to run after seeing how the legislative process relegates citizens behind special interests. Despite the pouring rain, the event was attended by 25 enthusiastic citizens.

Upcoming 2018 Breakfasts

Saturday, January 6, 2018 is coming up fast! Coffee, breakfast for a small donation and two speakers will start the new year with a bang. B...